The truth about the beginning...
It's funny how plans and ambition changes. I will even say I am part of the few that does not really have ambition or whatsoever, tried many times to locate what am really good at but I can't see anything ..ok I can play football, I don't think I can become a professional footballer, I play drums , but I do it for the fun of it ,the truth is that I enjoy playing drums , I love the sound of keyboard .. ok what am saying in essence is that I love music.. I love good sounds , it saved me many times, but what I don't knw is if I can be a giver of this sounds I love so much or I will just remain a receiver or consumer of Good sounds..well I don't know if that's passion anyway.
I think I have not been passionate about anything ..some days I thought about what to do with my life and fear overwhelmed me because I couldn't find any ..
I studied Agricultural science(plant pathology major) it feels good, I can have a farm and feed people .. make lives better but I don't knw if it's what I can do ..hmmmm, I was there going through this life with so much uncertainty and life looks void and I was introduced to codenestAfrica.. through a friend that's passionate about making another man's life better ..well I have always been surrounded with amazing and goal driven minds .. when I was introduced my never serious inner man resurfaced but I am glad I suppressed it..
There were a lot of thinking and battles , especially how I am going to fund this project , then I remembered this post I read on WhatsApp that talks about just begin matter how big it looks, just begin.. another thing I remembered was a saying "if your dreams are not big enough to scare you then it's not a dream".
Then I began. for the second time in my life , I feel like am doing the right thing , it's the first time am doing something amazing that people around me can not even understand, I feel like I can become something more , I can create ,I can invent ..from the first onboarding session .. listening to those young and smart minds changed my mentality and my attitude.. and I was asking myself why am I just meeting these people .
what has been added to me in the last few weeks is enormous and I believe there is no limit to what I can still absorb..
Sprint one was an array of blessings and it's the beginning of my functions in the coding world.. I will be tagged with great minds in years to come , I can see that clearly ,am an element of change..
don't get inspired alone ..get to work.